Sunday, June 25, 2017

PMC bike ride and last soccer

The girls ran the Pan Mass Challenge bike ride for the 2nd time.  They did fantastic.  Catherine did 4 miles and Charlotte 5 and it was one of the hottest days.  Such a great cause and such a fun day.
Charlotte also finished her soccer travel team.  She is loving soccer and she had a great coach and team!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

End of school fun!

School ended June 23rd and we couldn't be happier!  Great school year but we are all ready for summer!  Can't believe I will have 2nd and 4th graders next year!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

AG party, soccer

Catherine and Charlotte had a birthday party last weekend.  Limo ride to have lunch at the American Girls store.  Fancy stuff for 7 yr olds!!  They had a blast!  Although Charlotte said "I could have done without the limo ride!"  Such a fun day.  
Charlotte had her last soccer game as well last weekend.  Great season, great coaches, Charlotte improved so much and loved it!
Finishing off the weekend with a fun Memorial Day BBQ.