Saturday, February 25, 2017

April vacation

The end of Feb vacation was so warm.  The kids were skiing on Monday and outside in bathing suits and water balloon fights on Friday.  Crazy New England weather!

Friday, February 10, 2017

7 year stats!

Catherine had her 7 yr appt.  All good.  57 lbs and 47 inches!

She made the robe in her sewing class!
She has to do whatever Charlotte is assigned at school.  So she did her Hero report...

Monday, February 6, 2017

Birthday weekend!

We decided to surprise the girls at school on Thursday and take them away skiing for Charlotte's birthday.  We started at the ice castles in NH which were super cool.  Then we made our way to the Mt. Washington and skiing at Bretton woods.  Such a great time.   Finished the weekend with a Super Bowl party at the Bennetts and a win for the PATS!!!!   Awesome way to end the weekend!!!

Friday, February 3, 2017


Dear Charlotte,

It's hard to believe you are nine and halfway to 18.  Halfway to you moving out and going to college and being on your own.  Hopefully the next 9 years will be even better then the past 9.  Even though they will be harder years, with lots of emotions, tears, drama and intensity, we will get through it together!
You are such a special girl.  You are consistent with who you are.  Since the beginning you know what you like and you are not pressured to do things you don't want to do. That still holds true now and I pray it will hold true during your tough teenage years.  You are still very sensitive, but you are much better at dealing with things.  You are still the same kind and thoughtful girl you have always been.  You think of others first and always make sure everyone feels included.  When you first started your new school this year, 2 girls Ruby and Gia befriended you right away.  They wanted to make you feel included.  They are now 2 of your good friends.  A new girl started at your school last week and you came home and said I told Ruby and Gia I want to make sure we go right up to her and include her and make her feel ok and included like you both did for me.  It was just so sweet.
What you love, soccer, gymnastics and of course skiing.  You are trying lacrosse this spring and are excited for that.  You still absolutely love to read, its probably your most favorite thing.  I have gotten you into my favorites from when I was young.  The old school babysitters club is what you are into now.  We started HarryPotter together, but Catherine got scared so that might wait another year.
You still have your same old friends from when you were little, Maeve, Liam, Gabby, Kate, Emma, Erin and Sarah.  You have made some new friends as well Aislin, Ella, Cassidy, Ruby, Gia and Michaela.  You still love your sissy.  Most of the time you get along fabulously and play really well together.  You are so good to her.  Such an awesome big sister.
You don't love school as much as you used to which makes me sad, but you say its a long day and too much writing!   Thankfully you still love math!!   You know your multiplication tables like a pro!
You are still very much a daddy's girl.  You absolutely adore Daddy.  You wanted a Tom Brady shirt for Christmas so you could wear it like Daddy to watch the Pat's games together.  Daddy can do no wrong in your eyes.

Charlotte, happy ninth year.  Enjoy every minute.  Have fun, be silly and stay true to who you are.
I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.
