Friday, April 29, 2016

Charlotte 8 yr stats!

Charlotte had her 8yr check, a few months late!  All good.  She is 51 1/2 inches and 62 lbs!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Interview with the girls

1. How old are you?
CMP: 8
CGP: 6

2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
CMP: a vet
CGP:an artist

3. What makes you happy?
CMP: mama, catherine, dada
CGP:when my family is all happy

4. What makes you sad?
CMP: rainy days
CGP:when my mom yells at me

5. Why do you like being a kid?
CMP: because I can go on the monkey bars
CGP: because you get to watch shows

6. If you could be an animal, which one would you be?
CMP: snow leopard
CGP: a turtle

7. Why?
CMP: because I can climb the moutons
CGP:because they are cute

8. Where do you live? she knows
CMP:  in a house
CGP: in boston

9. Where is your favorite place to go?
CMP: launch trampoline park
CGP: plaster funtime

10. What makes you laugh?
CMP: catherine
CGP: when someone does something funny

11. What's your favorite thing to do?
CMP: play with my sister
CGP: art

12. What are you really good at?
CMP: math
CGP: being pretty and cooking

13. What are you not very good at?
CMP: homework
CGP: fighting

14. How old is Mommy?
CMP: 41

15. What is something Mommy always says to you?
CMP: what a sweet girl you are
CGP: be good

16. What do you love most about Mommy?
CMP: that she lets us do everything
CGP: that she's nice and every weakend she lets us watch a show if we are good

17. What is Mommy's favorite food?
CMP: salmon
CGP: butternut squash

18. How tall is your Mom?
CMP: she's big
CGP: 41 ft

19. What does Mom do while your at school?
CMP: work at school
CGP: works in her classroom because she is a teacher

20. How old is Daddy?
CMP: 41

21. What does Daddy do for work:
CMP: make money
CGP: makes money

22: What is Daddy's favorite sport?
CMP: golf
CGP: golf

23. What is Daddy's favorite food?
CMP: steak
CGP: chicken pot pie

24. How strong is Daddy?
CMP: really strong
CGP: 199 lbs strong

25. How tall is Daddy?
CMP: lower than the ceiling
CGP: 60 ft

26.What did you do yesterday?
CMP: passport to literacy at school
CGP: went to the park and had friends over

27. What is your favorite food?
CMP: steak and salmon
CGP: mini oreos

29. What is your favorite song?
CMP: firework
CGP: firework

30. What do you want Santa to bring you this year?
CGP: everything american girl doll

31. What is love?
CMP: always
CGP:love is something that keeps you together

32. What's your favorite thing about school?
CMP: my teacher (ms. lattimer0
CGP: art and music

33. What don't you like to do at school?
CMP: sitting on the rug
CGP: because you have to wear a uniform

34: What are you scared of?
CMP: nothing

35. What do you think is in outer space?

36. What is your favorite color?
CMP: green
CGP: black and pink

37. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
CMP: cake batter
CGP: mint  chocolate chip

38. What is your favorite activity to do after school?
CMP: play
CGP: rest

39. What is your favorite thing to do on the playground?
CMP: swing
CGP: play with the balls

40. What is your favorite thing to wear?
CMP: mini boden velour pants
CGP: fancy dresses

41. Who are you best friends?
CMP: gabby, neve, catherine, emma, kate, maeve, sarah, erin, jasmine, bella, liam, melody
CGP: kate and emma, maeve, liam, gabby, tommy, kelly, neve, juliette

Friday, April 15, 2016

Boston STRONG!

Catherine's class brought treats to the fire department today for Boston One Day.

Monday, April 11, 2016

First Feis, Father daughter dance

Catherine had her first feis yesterday.   She did awesome.  She did 3 dances and got 3 medals, 2 third places and one second place.  She loved it!  She wanted to know when the next competition was!
They also had the father daughter dance sat night.  Gabby joined them.  Crazy but fun night!