Wednesday, August 27, 2014

End of summer..

We spent the day in town on Monday.  Swan boats, carousel, frog pond.  Such a fun day.  It's too bad we don't do it more often, the girls loved it.  Swimming all day Tuesday.  Frozen madness. Trying to get it all in before school starts!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Rhode Island!!

We just returned from our vacation in Westerly.  It was a great week, despite the Perry girls not being on their best behavior.  We had a beautiful house with a pool, and a beach and with their best friends, yet they still managed to whine and complain!   But overall it was awesome.  The weather was a bit colder than we had hoped but thankfully the pool was heated and the girls went into the ocean water even though it was freezing.  Charlotte got really good at body boarding.  One of the days the waves were super high and Cory and Dave had more fun than the kids body boarding!  The carousel in Watch Hill was a huge hit too. 

 Last day breakfast!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Canobe Lake, Kimball Farm, water slide..

We had a busy week!  Charlotte had girls scout camp all week.  She got on a bus in south boston and went to Waltham everyday.  I had an anxiety attack the first day letting her go, but she just waved me off "bye mom, I am fine!"  She loved it.   Catherine had art camp, which she has done for the past 3 summers, she had fun!  We spent an afternoon at the Bridges on their water slide!   Cory's work had an event at Kimball Farm which we thought was going to get rained out but it ended up being a nice day.  The girls did bumper boats, miniature golf, jumpy houses, petting zoo, face painting and hit a few golf balls with Cory.   We went to Canobe Lake Park for the first time on Monday.  I haven't been to an amusement park in forever.  I used to love the rides but now they just make me sick!   It was a good park because they had lots of rides for Catherine and Emma to go on since they were not big enough to go on the other rides alone.  It was a LONG day but they had a blast.  Charlotte keeps asking when we are going back.  Catherine and Emma of course ended up in strollers... Those 2 will be 10 and being pushed around!