Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saturday night at MGH

On our way to bed last night, Catherine tripped on her blanket and hit her mouth on the stairs.  She hit it hard and her tooth went through the upper part of her lip.  Dr. Bill to the rescue came over, but he didn't want to "glue" it up so close to the mouth, so off we went to MGH.  Catherine was such a rock star.  She didn't make a fuss.  They had to sedate her to make sure the stitches were precise, so they had to do the whole IV and keep track of her vitals.  She didn't complain at all.  It took us a while to wake her up from sedation as it was the middle of the night, but she was a trooper.  We get to the car at 4am and the first thing she says is "can I watch a show?!"  We knew she was fine!
Bill and Carmelita kept Charlotte so Catherine was so happy to see her when she woke up.

 Right after it happened.
In the hospital

Home from the hospital!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

4 year stats!

Catherine had her 4 year checkup on Thursday.  She was awesome.  Blood pressure 50/83, 2 shots with no issues.  She grew 4 inches and gained 4lbs.   She weighs 38.2 lbs (73 percentile) and is 40.75 inches (70th percentile).  She is a very happy and healthy 4 year old!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

NYE and Snow days....

We had our usual crew over for our 4th NYE celebration.  It was a fun night.  Great friends!

And finding out we had 2 snow days ahead of us, thank god for our swim club.  We spent the day there with friends.  What a great way to spend a snowy day!