Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sleep Over

Charlotte slept over Maeve & Liam's last night.  They are such teenagers!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Charlotte and Maeve!

I just had to post this picture.   Charlotte's Halloween dress is so big and cumbersome, she had to go to the bathroom and she asked me to hold her dress so she could go.  So I did, and told her when I married Daddy, my bridesmaids had to hold my wedding dress every time I had to go to the bathroom. She thought it was so funny.  Well later in the day, Cory was in the kitchen and heard Charlotte say to Maeve, will you hold my dress so I can pee.  Maeve said sure Charlotte and Cory caught it on camera.  Imagine if 20 years down the road, Maeve is holding Charlotte's wedding dress on her wedding day!!

Halloween Party

We had our 4th annual Halloween Party yesterday.  I think our best one yet! The weather turned out to be perfect, just an awesome day.  It's nice that the kids are a bit older so they just have a blast being dressed up and running around and playing games.  We are up to 36 kids!   I think the first year we had 10.  Love this tradition we have.

 Our fairy princess'!


 The 3 amigos!

St. Peter's K1class