Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dance Recital, America Girl Birthday Party and Catherine's Graduation from Ms.Tricia's!

Ruby, Charlotte, Catherine and Birthday Girl Bella!
                                                                            Perry girls!

  Charlotte, Catherine, Selina and Isabel

 The Graduate!

 Big sis is so proud!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last day of school :(

Today is Catherine's last day of school, and tomorrow is Charlotte's.   They have grown so much this year.  They are taller, smarter and sassier than ever!  Summer vacation is here, we can't wait!!!


we have nicknamed Catherine maude.  She is like a 70 year old Florida retiree lately...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Annnie, field day, Memorial Day..

One of the schools put a production of Annie on. We took the kids to see it.  Charlotte was enthralled, she just loved it.  Catherine on the other hand, enjoyed hopping from seat to seat and playing games with Emma!   I told Charlotte I was in Annie when I was little and played the orphan July.  I have a framed picture of ticket stubs, pics, etc that my aunt jane made for me when I was in it.  Well Charlotte LOVES it and has it in the dining room and has to show everyone that comes over and tell them how last year her mom played July in Annie!
Catherine is not impressed!

Favorite teacher Mrs. Walsh