Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Great Christmas! Grammy, Grampa, Nana and Uncle Bill came to celebrate with us. We went to Christmas eve mass. They did well, Catherine really hammed it up telling everyone behind to shhhhh, quiet. And she kept running up to see baby Jesus in the manger. She amused lots of people. The girls got a ton of toys, too much. Even Charlotte said, Santa brought too much stuff!But it was so fun for all of us to watch them open everything! The dollhouse was ridiculous, I had no idea how big it actually was. A big thanks to Grampa for the 8 hrs he spent putting it together. My mom kept saying it was nicer than her house at home!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Catherine Grace!

My little lady is 2! wow! miss catherine, you have grown so much in the past year. you have your own personality, which is mostly so sweet, but you do have a "wicked" side to you! At times you love to torment your sister, but mostly you adore her and want to do whatever she is doing. And you do most everything she does. You follow her and her friends around at the playground and nothing stops you from keeping up with them. You use the ipad better than I do, the way you can find your bubble guppies and dora on it is beyond me. You love dolls, puzzles, dress up, but you especially LOVE coloring and stickers. You could coker (that is your word for color) all day long! You are learning your colors (although you think everything is pink, since its your favorite color-same as big sis!) You don't know your letters yet, again you call everything B, but that is ok, this year it will all come together. You are now loving Ms. Tricia's where you go on Mondays 9-12. You blow me a kiss when I drop you off and are so excited to show me what you have done when I pick you up. We go to music together and you really love to bounce around and sing. You are still such a little snuggler, I can't get enough of my snuggle time at night with you or first thing in the morning. You still use your binky at night and probably will until you are 14, but that is ok! We are okay with it, it makes you happy and you are a great sleeper, so we are not rocking the boat.
I love this stage you are at and part of me wants to freeze you at this time, but I also can't wait to see what new discoveries you make this year. I hope you remain as sweet and lovey as you are now and always know how much I love and adore you.
Happy #2 my sweet little pumpkin! I love you so very much! xo mommy

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Polar Express

Charlotte's school hosted a Polar Express Event on Sunday. It was a huge turnout and the girls had a great time doing the arts and crafts, going on the trolley ride and eating lots of cookies.

They were all excited to see Santa and when the big man came out, they both ran away! They like him from a distance!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas tree and skating!

A couple of pictures from thanksgiving too. We spent it with our friends Carmelita and Bill and their daugther Gabby. It was so relaxing and nice not to travel.

We got our christmas tree this weekend. The girls loved picking it out and decorating it. They thought it was so fun.

Charlotte also started her learn to skate program this Sat. It runs every week for an hour through March. She did not want to do it, all week "I don't want to skate." We went on Friday to get her helmet and skates. They had pink and that was all she needed to get her excited, she couldn't wait to go in her pink gear!

It was pretty crazy, they just throw them on the ice with a milk crate and let them go. Cory was a nervous wreck. She did great. Her little legs moved for 40 minutes non stop. She slept until 9:15 on Sunday morning she was so tired! We have a video that I will post, its really funny watching her try and get around!

Friday, November 18, 2011