Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloweeeeeen!!

The ladybug & chicken (Molly & Catherine!)

Pinata fun!

The original Deutsche Bank Girls, Diana, Denise & Kelly!
Scott reading to Carter, Jane & Charlotte
The turkey goes in the fryer....Rosie, Desi & Charlotte

My Sweet little ladies

Charlotte enjoyed Halloween this year. She LOVED going to the houses and getting candy! Another house, mommy pllleease! The chicken didn't make it out, she was too tired.
We also went to an awesome Turkey Fry at Chris and Denise's on Sat. SOOO delicious and fun!!!
ps I would like to say I am very happy to report we got our money's worth out of the mermaid costume! I am so sick of it and happy that halloween is over!! Charlotte ended up loving it and had so many events that she got to wear it to! Hopefully Catherine likes mermaids...!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween party!

We had a Halloween party on Saturday for Charlotte and some of her friends. It was a blast and the kids had a ball. We were a little nervous that it was going to be absolute chaos and we would never do it again. But it turned out really well so we are going to make it a tradition. The kids decorated pumpkins with stickers,etc, we had a pinata, they decorated halloween cookies with frosting and candy and of course ate pizza and lots of candy. The kids all played really well together surprisingly. I have a girl who lives across the street who is my little helper on mondays, so she came over to help with the party and the adults got to enjoy some conversation and adult beverages!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween fun...

Danielle, Karl, Maeve & Liam

Jane, Patrick, Neve & Jack

We went over our friends Jane and Patrick's to carve pumpkins and then to a pumpkin float in Dorchester. Charlotte loved it and actually wore her costume and was excited about it! We left Catherine with a babysitter so we could enjoy some time with Charlotte.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Just as I predicted, I was a sucker and bought the pottery barn mermaid costume Charlotte insisted on getting. I had a feeling she wouldn't wear it, of course I was right. She waited for the mail everyday for it to come, it arrived yesterday, and she wanted NOTHING to do with it. I finally "forced it on" to see if it fits and this is the reaction...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Catherine & Avery
Catherine & Cayden

Sophie, Charlotte & Cayden

Best buds!
We had our friends Andy and Anne and their kids Cayden and Sophie down for the weekend. It was so much fun to hang out and spend time with them, it had been too long. The kids got along great! Andy's sister Christa (who used to babysit for Charlotte)came over with her daugther Avery, who is 2 months older than Catherine.
On Friday we celebrated Maeve and Liam's 3rd birthday, so much fun!!