Thursday, September 30, 2010

9 month stats!

Charlotte ripping the blocks out of Catherine's hands!

Catherine and her buddy Neve!
Catherine had her 9 month appt yesterday and is doing great. 20lbs 2oz and 29 inches long. Same lenght but a pound lighter than her big sis was at this time! She is happy and itching to walk. I don't think we have long. She is into EVERYTHING. And the sisterly love is coming out already-Charlotte is constantly yelling at her, "no Catherine that is mine, no Catherine you are too little for that, Catherine Grace get away from MY toys...let the teenage years begin!!!

Charlotte also got her flu shot yesterday and was such a star, as she likes to say she only cried for a second!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Granpy Joe!

Hope you had a great day! We love YOU!!! C&C

Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer wrap up

Charlotte insisted Catherine wear her headband!

I can't believe the summer is over, although I am pretty happy, since fall is my absolute favorite time of year. We had a great summer, busy but fun. Catherine started crawling about 2 weeks ago and is nonstop. She is into everything, all over the place. She als pulls herself up on everything and anything.Time for gates. She continues to sleep through the night-she LOVES her paci, and we only allow her to have it in the crib, so I swear she stays in the crib longer so she can have it. I find her in the mornings sitting up with one paci in her mouth and holding 3 others! One of her bottom teeth just arrived! She is not a huge fan of baby food, but would rather have what Charlotte is eating! Loves cheese, grill cheese, crackers, bagels and surprisingly since she is my daugher ice cream too! Charlotte is back to being a star, sleeping through the night and not giving us quite a hard time going down, we ended up having to let her cry it out at bedtime for a few nights and it worked. She still stalls at bedtime (can I have another glass of water? I want to see catherine, I need to give mommy/daddy one more kiss, I need one more story, I need one more song...) but overall its not bad anymore. And thankfully, no more nightmares. Although we think she is getting ready for a big girl bed, but we are holding off as long as we possibly can! Not happy to admit this, but her favorite thing to eat these days is candy corn. Yup, those gross, very sugary halloween candies! She wants to be a mermaid for halloween, she carries the pottery barn halloween catalog around with her like its the bible and she always has to have it in her crib.

She is so much fun, riding her bike like a pro, running and loves school. I said to her today, "Charlotte, you're the best. and she replied Mommy, you're the BEST too!"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Olympics 2026 here we come!!

Charlotte ran her first road race today!! they do ages 2-5 and each age group ran there own 100m dash. She talked about it all week and was practicing running from tree to tree in our yard! She would have won, but she got sidetracked by Daddy and Catherine cheering her on! She was so excited and so cute. She got to the finish line and said "Mommy, I keep running?" All kids got a medal, because all kids are winners, blah blah blah. We need to get her into some competitive races!! She really does love it. She runs with me to the store near our house and I am amazed at how far she can go. Can't wait until we can run races together!!! Make sure you check out the video!!

Friday, September 10, 2010