Saturday, July 10, 2010

Before and After and Big Girl Underpants!



Just wanted to post some pics of Catherine's extra digit, before and after surgery! It's healing great! Charlotte is getting ready to potty train, and is super excited about her big girl underpants. I am hoping its not a disaster, but I have a feeling it will be!

Friday, July 2, 2010

6 month stats!

The three amigos!

Catherine loves to swing!

Reverting back to the high chair b/c Catherine sits in it

Catherine and her buddy Molly (2 months)

Catherine had her 6 month check up last week, 17lbs 6oz and 26 inches. She is doing great, healthy and such a happy, good natured baby. She is thrilled to have a friend of her own, Molly (Leo's little sis). She isn't a huge fan of baby food, its a struggle to try and get it in her, but she loves cheerios and puffs. And big sis loves feeding them to her. It's definitly getting slightly easier on a day to day basis. Catherine goes to sleep at 5:45pm, so Charlotte gets to spend some alone time with us which is nice. Catherine still getting up once a night to eat, which is fine, its quick. And both kids are sleeping until 6:15/30 which is such a treat!
Charlotte absolutely loves school, she would love to go everyday. When I go to pick her up, "no mommy, go home, I stay at Ms. Tricia's." It's such an incredible program, the kids learn so much and the teachers are wonderful.
Charlotte is pretty inseparable with her twin buddies Maeve and Liam. She adores Liam, Liam wants nothing to do with her, Maeve adores Charlotte and she won't give Maeve the time of day. It's pretty funny. Also, since Liam goes without a shirt, Charlotte thinks its ok for her to as well. She loves the water park and playing in the water. The summer has been a blast so far!