Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter fun!

Charlotte had her friends Maeve and Liam over to color easter eggs and play d ress up, they had a blast, a bit messy though! Little fact, shaving creme removes the easter egg dye from hands, but I am still looking for a way to remove from the table, any ideas??!

Not a lot of sleep going on in the Perry house these days, which makes for some very tired and grumpy parents. Both kids up 2x a night...and Catherine has become a bit of a night owl, not going down until 8:30. She keeps coming out of the swaddle b/c its too small, so I need to get the bigger size, that should help. Those hands all over the place which wake her up. Just keep reminding ourselves, this is only temporary. Charlotte keeps waking up for more milk, we need to break her of it, but sooo tired...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Nana came to visit for 5 days. What a treat. Laundy was done, good meals, and best of all we got great sleep. Nana got up with catherine at night and then got up with both girls in the morning, it was the best gift of all for parents!!! I got to spend some alone time with charlotte which was great and I also got to have some alone time for me!! Even though I am a mother now, its still so nice to have my mom take care of me, she always knows just what I need and when I am at my breaking point. Thanks for taking care of ME, mom, I love you!!!

We also had a great visit with grampy joe and aunt kate. Charlotte was obsessed with "kate" and loved playing with her!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Maine meets Catherine!

Abby & Charlotte

Samantha (5months) and Catherine

We headed up to maine this weekend, so everyone could meet Catherine. We had a party at Cory's Aunt Kathy's house. It was a great weekend and the kids were so good. The drive went surprisingly well (thanks to Leap Frog video!!!). Although Charlotte's new wake up time seeems to be 5:15, which is unacceptable in this house, ugh. Oh well, hopefully its just a phase!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Great Grampy Joe!!!

We love you!!! Charlotte & Catherine XOXO

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's potty time!

Charlotte loves the potty, not so much fun getting her off it! Still a ways off, but she is starting...I am not really looking forward to it!